@thomascannon.me @excid3.com y'all, I'm a seasoned dev with 18+ years of experience. This is "it works on my machine!" behavior; I'm looking out for folks who are just starting out.
They're the most likely to bounce off, get frustrated, feel like they're the problem. And to not fully realize how it works
@thomascannon.me If you're trying to learn, let alone mentor someone remotely, reducing complexity is key.
Great quote from said instructor above: "Humans are walking bags of chaos, with a new person it’s always best to assume maximal chaos while trying to minimize the potential for it"
@thomascannon.me If it works for you as a seasoned dev, great! But I specifically mentioned newbie devs; who are already working uphill and have so much else to juggle.
@thomascannon.me Or, hell, Docker! Just anything other than WSL
@thomascannon.me WSL is just...not it. Windows doesn't know how to properly work with the subsystem, files constantly end up changing encoding, which messes with git statuses. Weird, arcane errors that you can't suss out as either Ubuntu, Ruby, WSL, or operator error.